Thursday, 28 December 2017


Beneath light and dark shades,
I see luminous entities
Showering down from heaven,
And onto the magnificence
A gargantuan structure
A place of divinity,
That lays ahead of me.

-Mitul Magu
28 June, 2017

Monday, 18 September 2017


Everything feels very quiet,
My lips are moving but I can't say anything.
It has passed all boundaries,
It has passed all that is humane.
Everything isn't as genuine,
The way I used to see it, but now I can't unsee.
Stop it this moment!
Stop it right away!
Poverty is what has flourished,
Terror is amidst us everyday, our day to day lives.
What did just happen?
Don't let this happen.
I seek for your sympathy,
We can prevent only what we choose to prevent.
For some air I am choking,
For only some air I am breathing.

(c) Mitul Magu
18th September, 2017

Saturday, 19 August 2017


We’re the first ones to start a new legacy,
They left us before we could complain.
Our wits are our allies, the unknown our enemy,
Others are gone but we’ve decided to stay.

So as long as you and I are comfortable,
In making mistakes and doing what haunts us.
The goal ahead you see, might just be achievable,
We don’t need to keep watching our past.

Because it’s about time that we let the people know,
That we aren’t afraid to stand up on our own.
That we can do anything, our past has to show,
As long as you and I think together as one.

                                                                                                (c) Mitul Magu
                                                                                                19 August, 2017

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

The Dream

When my eyes are open
I look into this vast world
Not with gingered eyes
But how it looked in my dreams
Just the way it was.

When my eyes are open
I live to see another day
Another morning sunshine
Cool air to breathe
Good food to eat.

When my eyes are open
I welcome my spirit
To be what it wants to be
Without judgement
Without fear.

When my eyes are open
I can be the change
That I want to see
And I relish
Every single moment.

But when my eyes are closed
My heart beats faster
As it processes all that change
And tells me a story,
A dream that I want to live in

(c) Mitul Magu

 13 June, 2017

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

A Rose for You, A New Life for Me

Words cling on to me for dear life
What you said will remain on the tip of my tongue
As I remember you, and imagine you

In my arms so tight, that I can exhibit wishfullness
To you my sweet love, oh bear thee
The rain has come and parted our ways

But my love for you has not departed,
And you will always be wanted
By me in so many years later

When we will talk together,
Like nothing has happened,
Like time had stopped,

Our conversations as endless as our thoughts,
Your beauty as endless as the stars at night,
We will be together
As one.

                      (c) Mitul Magu

                      24th May, 2017

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

How I Lived Through Those Days

Dusty pathways crowded by litterbugs,
Rays shooting through gaps of the hand,
Waiting for the old lover; comfortably seated
With both arms parallel on the sides
We wait for her to come by.
Children playing with small animatronics
Waiting for life ahead; not a dash of worry
On their pure, calm foreheads smooth.
Crying at small mishaps that come by
I still wait for her to come.
She will make me feel happy
After all, I live for another day with her
What will she ask of me? What about these people?
What do they wait for?
Extermination is imminent.
(C) Mitul Magu
27 April, 2017

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Perception and Cognizance

A face that works both ways,
The one that stays calm even on a stormy sea,
Is also the one that roars while below, on a quiet reef.
Trapped deep, very deep under water
And seems to stay that way.
                                                                © Mitul Magu
                                                                26th March, 2017

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Hey There, Baby Girl!

This baby girl, her arms are short
Of prejudices she must go through,
Of the evil eyes she’s exposed to,
She does not know what she’s worth.
Hey baby girl, I’m here for you
You’re a goddess sent from god above,
A little trickster with lots of love,
Only if you knew.

Baby girl lend me your hand
We’ll diminish bias and feticide,
I’ll help you nourish that beautiful mind,
You’ll just have to take a stand.

Your consciousness is too high for this world
They simply just don’t understand,
Be in charge and take command!
Your safety is my word.

Hey there, Baby Girl!
You will grow up one day and then,
The world will be overpowered by men,
But you will have to tell them again,
That you are the greatest gift to this world!

(c) Mitul Magu

8th March, 2017

Saturday, 25 February 2017

With Parenthood

What may this plain sympathy suggest?
What sugar and spice can treat?
What you have done is for your own best,
To be able to relish my defeat.

I was just mad at you for breaking me
With you taking me to that next level.
Of all of the things I thought I could see,
I couldn't see what you were trying to unravel.

You brought me in a world where I was,
Just a newborn with flickering spirits.
But you challenged me head on as,
I honestly thought I couldn't cope with it.

But with every passing melancholy hour
My mind was simply taking time to adjust,
That there's something really sweet (and not sour)
That can be gained with only your trust.

So thank you for pushing me when I needed it,
When I said that I just can't keep up,
With you
So, Thank you and I will say no more.
-Mitul Magu

                                                                         25th February, 2017

Saturday, 7 January 2017

A Photograph

You and I standing alone
In a world of false creed
In a world of no sympathy
Yet we feel as one.

You and I standing alone
In a picture that seems perfect
Away from all the racket
We are fine.

And I know that you feel helpless
But this photograph of us
Away from all the fuss
Has proved to be more
Than mere images of ourselves.

                             (c) Mitul Magu
                              7th January 2017