Saturday, 2 October 2010

Broken Arrows

The battle had ended long before,
Their mighty wrath had shown itself.
For now, the taste of defeat they bore
Had reached a place too far to tell.

How hard had they tried to reach the top,
How far had they gone to shine.
Dangers came and did not stop
There was no holding back this time.

People had warned them and told them not to go,
But the army was entangled in its pride.
And now their fate had regretlessly shown
What it always had in mind.

Evil spun its dreadful webs ,
And had no mercy on their opponents.
With eerie swords and ghastly steps
They trod towards the army like rodents.

The army, iron-hearted, fearless and bold,
Standing tall in their world of lies.
Had walked the fields in the night so cold
Only to be caught up in their own demise.

The night’s mist had given way to the diabolical game,
Where the old oak trees had turned dry.
Even the barren land could not sustain
The horrors it could not have denied.

In the intense battle that came across,
Their pride showed no good.
The army suffered a tragic loss
And evil laughing, triumphantly they stood.

Massacre, evil had left behind,
Perhaps what they had deserved.
Response of the twisted mind
Had already been served.

Evil moved away, out of sight,
Leaving behind excruciating pain.
In that terrible foggy night
Everything was lost nothing to gain.

Alas! Their bodies lay in despair,
Taking in their last few breath.
Dark earth engulfing them, like graves that care
Now victims to the slow, steady death.

Broken arrows lay close to them,
Signifying something they should have known from the start.
Disloyalty, greed and useless bragging,
Like broken arrows, they were torn apart.
For the power is always overwhelming.
                                                                                       -Mitul Magu, 2010

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